Unscramble PEN

Our Word Finder discovered 4 new words by unscrambling PEN.

3 letter words made by unscrambling PEN

2 letter words made by unscrambling PEN

Letter / Tile Values for PEN

  • P 3
  • E 1
  • N 1
pen is in TWL06 dictionary
pen is in SOWPODS dictionary

Meaning of PEN

If you unscramble pen, what does it mean?

  •  Pen - A feather.
  •  Pen - A female swan.
  •  Pen - A small inclosure; as, a pen for sheep or for pigs.
  •  Pen - A wing.
  •  Pen - An instrument used for writing with ink, formerly made of a reed, or of the quill of a goose or other bird, but now also of other materials, as of steel, gold, etc. Also, originally, a stylus or other instrument for scratching or graving.
  •  Pen - Fig.: A writer, or his style; as, he has a sharp pen.
  •  Pen - The internal shell of a squid.
  •  Pen - To shut up, as in a pen or cage; to confine in a small inclosure or narrow space; to coop up, or shut in; to inclose.
  •  Pen - To write; to compose and commit to paper; to indite; to compose; as, to pen a sonnet.

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